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Java Kotlin Scala
  • Introduction
  • Installation
  • Getting Started
  • Creating Games
  • Higher Level Usage
  • Misc
  • Building FriceEngine
  • GitHub Stuffs
  • Introduction

    FriceEngine is an easy, light, native game engine, running mainly on JVM.


    With IntelliJ IDEA

    AppVeyor is used to automating the build of FriceEngine.
    Status: Build status

    1. Download the jar here
    2. Create or open a project
    3. Import the jar into your project

    With Eclipse

    AppVeyor is used to automating the build of FriceEngine.
    Status: Build status

    1. Download the jar here
    2. Create or open a project
    3. Import the jar into your project

    With Gradle/Maven/SBT/Ivy

    Newest version:

    View instructions on JitPack website or instructions on Bintray website

    Customizing jars

    You can specify the jars you want to download, by using gradle.

    First, you'll see the newest version in the version badge above (it should be a string started with v like v1.8.3).
    It's the newest release version, we remove the leading v and assign the version name frice_version.

    Look at your build.gradle. Add these codes:

    buildscript {
      ext.frice_version = '1.8.3' // replace with the newest one

    And choose to add some of these as your dependecies:

    // old, necessary
    compile "org.frice:engine:$frice_version"
    // new, optional, if you speak Kotlin
    compile "org.frice:engine:$frice_version:sources"
    // new, for java users
    compile "org.frice:engine:$frice_version:all"
    // new, optional
    compile "org.frice:engine:$frice_version:javadok"

    The four dependecies are described in the table below:

    Jar Suffix Description
    No suffix The smallest necessary jar (about 600kb).
    You should also add the kotlin stdlib to the classpath to run your code.
    If you use this, don't use all.
    sources The jar containing the source code.
    all The fat jar (about 1600kb).
    You will be able to run your code only with this jar in the classpath.
    If you use this, don't use the one with no suffix.
    javadok The jar containing FriceEngine's javadoc.

    Getting Started

    This chapter shows the most basic usage of FriceEngine.

    Creating a window

    First we need to create a game window.

    import org.frice.Game;
    import static org.frice.Initializer.launch;
    public class MyGame extends Game {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    import org.frice.Initializer.launch
    class MyGame : Game() {
    fun main(args: Array<String>) = launch(
    object MyGame extends Game {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =

    You should create a class extending the org.frice.Game class. This class has an optional constructor parameter, which will be introduced later. We invoke the empty one first.

    For convenience, the Scala version uses object instead of class because we want an easier way to write a main function.

    We invoke the Initializer.launch method in the main function and pass the class of your game class to it.

    You can now run the main function to see if it successfully creates a window.

    When you try to close the window, you're expected to see an alert window that confirms you to close it.

    About GameFX

    For JVM, alternatively, you can use org.frice.GameFX instead of org.frice.Game. GameFX draws the game window using JavaFX, which is often considered better.

    import org.frice.GameFX;
    import static org.frice.Initializer.launchFx;
    public class MyGame extends GameFX {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
    import org.frice.Initializer.launchFx
    class MyGame : GameFX() {
    fun main(args: Array<String>) = launchFx(
    object MyGame extends GameFX {
      def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =

    Here's a brief comparison between Swing's Game and JavaFX's GameFX (these features are differently implemented between Swing and JavaFX).

    Feature Swing JavaFX
    Life cycle
    Cursor overriding
    Full screen
    Always on top
    Text font/size
    Multi-instances ×
    Rotate animation ×
    Key listener
    Text measuring

    These features are differently implemented in Swing/JavaFX.
    Since this project is still in progress, the unsupported features will soon be available.

    Implementing lifecycle methods

    FriceEngine uses lifecycle methods to control it's behavior.

    public void onInit() {
    override fun onInit() {
    override def onInit(): Unit = {

    For example, onInit is a method invoked before the window is created, and if you override onInit, you can do some initializations (like, customizing the window's property).

    Here's a table of the lifecycle methods.

    Method Usage
    onInit() Invoked before game window created
    onLastInit() Invoked before starting refreshing
    onExit() Invoked while exiting
    onRefresh() Invoked after game window is refreshed, if not paused)
    onMouse(OnMouseEvent) Invoked when a mouse event arrives(clicking, moving, pressing, etc)
    onLoseFocus() Invoked when game window blurs
    onFocus() Invoked when game window gets focus
    customDraw(FriceDrawer) Invoked after everything is drawn

    The FriceDrawer refers to org.frice.platform.FriceDrawer, which has some similar functions of java.awt.Graphics2D.

    Customizing the window

    You can customize the game window in the onInit method.

    Hiding fps

    showFPS = false

    If you don't want to display the fps you can use this code.

    Customizing window size

    setSize(100, 100);
    // or
    setSize(new Dimension(100, 100));
    setSize(100, 100)
    // or
    size = Dimension(100, 100)
    setSize(100, 100)
    // or
    setSize(new Dimension(100, 100))

    You can customize the window size by invoking setSize.

    The first argument refers to the width, and the second refers to the height.

    Customizing window location

    setLocation(100, 100);
    // or
    setLocation(new Point(100, 100));
    setLocation(100, 100)
    // or
    location = Point(100, 100)
    setLocation(100, 100)
    // or
    setLocation(new Point(100, 100))

    You can customize the window size by invoking setLocation.

    The first argument refers to the distance to the left side of the screen, and the second refers to the distance to the top of the screen.

    Customizing the bounds

    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    setBounds(100, 100, 100, 100);
    // or
    setBounds(new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100));
    import java.awt.Rectangle
    setBounds(100, 100, 100, 100)
    // or
    bounds = Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100)
    import java.awt.Rectangle
    setBounds(100, 100, 100, 100)
    // or
    setBounds(new Rectangle(100, 100, 100, 100))

    The two properties mentioned above can be set at the same time.

    The four parameters refer to the width, the height, the distance to the left side of the screen, and the distance to the top of the screen respectively.

    Changing color when lose focus

    loseFocusChangeColor = false

    FriceEngine automatically darken the game screen when lose focus. If you don't want to see that, you can use this code.

    Of course, if you expect it to happen, replace false with true.

    Changing title text

    setTitle("Your awesome title");
    title = "Your awesome title"
    setTitle("Your awesome title")

    This changes the window title.

    It's a method of JFrame on JVM, but it's guaranteed to work.

    Cancelling the confirm window

    As you see, there's a confirm window when you click the exit button that might be a little noisy.

    public void onExit() {
    override fun onExit() {
    override def onExit(): Unit = System.exit(0)

    This happens in Game.onExit.

    To cancel it you can override it, and exit directly.

    If you don't call System.exit(0), you cannot close the window through clicking the exit button. If you invoke super.onExit(), the confirm window will still appear, so you might not invoke it.

    Always on top

    You can make your game window always on top by using

    isAlwaysTop = true

    You can change the parameter to false, to disable always on top.

    Full screen

    You can make your game window full screen by using

    isFullScreen = true

    You can change the parameter to false, to disable full screen.

    Now you have some basic knowledge about FriceEngine. It's time to create real games with it!

    Creating Games

    FriceEngine manages game objects through FObjects.

    All images, rectangles, ovals, texts, buttons appears on the screen are called "Object", which corresponds to FObject in codes.

    Resources like colors, shapes and images are treated as FResources. FObjects may hold some FResources, i.e. an image object (ImageObject, which extends FObject) holds an image resource (ImageResource, which extends FResource) (will be explained later).

    Creating resources

    Color resources

    import java.awt.Color;
    ColorResource colorResource0 = new ColorResource(0xFF00FF);
    ColorResource colorResource1 = new ColorResource("FF00FF");
    ColorResource colorResource2 = new ColorResource(new Color(...));
    import java.awt.Color
    val colorResource0 = ColorResource(0xFF00FF)
    val colorResource1 = ColorResource("FF00FF")
    val colorResource2 = ColorResource(Color(...))
    import java.awt.Color
    val colorResource0 = new ColorResource(0xFF00FF)
    val colorResource1 = new ColorResource("FF00FF")
    val colorResource2 = new ColorResource(new Color(...))

    This is a simple example of creating a color resource. You can either pass an integer, a string, or a java.awt.Color object to the constructor.

    But in most cases, we use some public static final objects, like:


    and so on.

    Image resources

    import org.frice.resource.image.ImageResource;
    ImageResource imageResource = ImageResource.fromPath("./1.png");
    import org.frice.resource.image.ImageResource
    val imageResource = ImageResource.fromPath("./1.png")
    import org.frice.resource.image.ImageResource
    val imageResource = ImageResource.fromPath("./1.png")

    We can create image resources either by invoking the constructors of the subclasses of ImageResource or by invoking the factory methods.

    Here's a list of the factory methods:

    Method Usage
    fromImage(image: FriceImage) Creates an image from a FriceImage
    create(image: FriceImage) Alias of fromImage
    fromPath(path: String) Creates an image from file path
    fromWeb(url: String) Creates an image from url as path
    empty() Creates an empty image
    emptyFx() Creates an empty image for JavaFX

    And here's a simple example of using the FileImageResource and WebImageResource.

    import org.frice.resource.image.FileImageResource;
    import org.frice.resource.image.WebImageResource;
    ImageResource fileImageResource = new FileImageResource("./1.png");
    ImageResource webImageResource = new WebImageResource("");
    import org.frice.resource.image.FileImageResource
    import org.frice.resource.image.WebImageResource
    val fileImageResource = FileImageResource("./1.png")
    val webImageResource = WebImageResource("")
    import org.frice.resource.image.FileImageResource
    import org.frice.resource.image.WebImageResource
    val fileImageResource = new FileImageResource("./1.png")
    val webImageResource = new WebImageResource("")

    Also, you can modify an image by invoking its methods.
    You can flip it (flip(Boolean)), scale it (scale(Double, Double)), make a copy of it (clone()), and cut a smaller part of it (part(Int, Int, Int, Int)).

    ImageResource image = ImageResource.fromPath("res/icon.png");
    ImageResource image2 = image.flip(true); // flip horizontally
    ImageResource image3 = image.flip(false); // flip vertically
    ImageResource image4 = image.clone(); // make a copy
    ImageResource image5 = image.scale(1.1, 0.9); // 1.1 times wider and 0.9 times longer
    ImageResource image6 = image.part(1, 2, 3, 4); // cut a sub image with (3 * 4) size at (1, 2)
    val image = ImageResource.fromPath("res/icon.png")
    val image2 = image.flip(true) // flip horizontally
    val image3 = image.flip(false) // flip verticall
    val image4 = image.clone() // make a copy
    val image5 = image.scale(1.1, 0.9) // 1.1 times wider and 0.9 times longer
    val image6 = image.part(1, 2, 3, 4) // cut a sub image with (3 * 4) size at (1, 2)
    val image = ImageResource.fromPath("res/icon.png")
    val image2 = image.flip(true) // flip horizontally
    val image3 = image.flip(false) // flip vertically
    val image4 = image.clone() // make a copy
    val image5 = image.scale(1.1, 0.9) // 1.1 times wider and 0.9 times longer
    val image6 = image.part(1, 2, 3, 4) // cut a sub image with (3 * 4) size at (1, 2)

    See the comments in the code example carefully.
    And you know all the details.

    You can also read the javadoc of those functions.

    Creating objects

    As mentioned above, FriceEngine manages games through "object"s. Here we'll see how to create "object"s.

    Shape objects

    A "shape object" refers to instances of ShapeObject class. It represents objects which are simply a geometric shape, like rectangles or circles.

    ShapeObject is a subclass of FObject.

    ShapeObject obj1 = new ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, new FOval(50, 50));
    ShapeObject obj2 = new ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, new FRectangle(50, 50), 100, 100);
    val obj1 = ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, FOval(50.0, 50.0))
    val obj2 = ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, FRectangle(50.0, 50.0), 100.0, 100.0)
    val obj1 = new ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, new FOval(50, 50))
    val obj2 = new ShapeObject(ColorResource.DARK_GRAY, new FRectangle(50, 50), 100, 100)

    To create a shape object we simply invoke it's constructor.

    We need to pass a ColorResource, an FShape, and two optional Doubles to specify it's location.

    FShape can be FOval, FRectangle, and FCircle.

    Feel free to change the ColorResources or Shapes of ShapeObjects at anytime.
    You'll see changes on the screen at once.

    Image objects

    We can also create game objects with images.

    Since we have already know how to create images resources, we simply use the resources we created above.

    ImageObject obj1 = new ImageObject(new FileImageResource("test.png"), 100, 100);
    val obj1 = ImageObject(FileImageResource("test.png"), 100.0, 100.0)
    val obj1 = new ImageObject(new FileImageResource("test.png"), 100, 100)

    We need to pass an ImageResource, and two optional Doubles to specify It's location, just like ShapeObject.

    This is very similar to ShapeObject.

    Feel free to change the ImageResources of ImageObjects at anytime.
    You'll see changes on the screen at once.


    We can add animations to game objects by invoking addAnim(your animation), and stop all the animations by invoking stopAnims().

    Simple move

    For instance, a simple uniform motion can be represented by a SimpleMove, the two parameters are the speed on x axis and y axis respectively.

    import org.frice.anim.move.SimpleMove;
    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleMove(100, 100));
    import org.frice.anim.move.SimpleMove
    gameObject.addAnim(SimpleMove(100, 100))
    gameObject.anims += SimpleMove(100, 100) // alternative
    import org.frice.anim.move.SimpleMove
    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleMove(100, 100))

    Change the parameter and run to better understand those parameters.

    If you prefer using Doubles rather than Ints, use AccurateMove instead of SimpleMove.

    Accelerate Move

    A simple accelerate motion can be represented by a AccelerateMove, the two parameters are the acceleration on x axis and y axis respectively.

    import org.frice.anim.move.AccelerateMove;
    gameObject.addAnim(new AccelerateMove(10, 10));
    import org.frice.anim.move.AccelerateMove
    gameObject.addAnim(AccelerateMove(10.0, 10.0))
    gameObject.anims += AccelerateMove(10.0, 10.0) // alternative
    import org.frice.anim.move.AccelerateMove
    gameObject.addAnim(new AccelerateMove(10, 10))

    The number 10 in the code above stands for "10 pixels per second squared".


    You can make your game object rotate x radian per second by using this:

    import org.frice.anim.rotate.SimpleRotate;
    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleRotate(x));
    import org.frice.anim.rotate.SimpleRotate
    gameObject.anims += SimpleRotate(x) // alternative
    import org.frice.anim.rotate.SimpleRotate
    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleRotate(x))

    For example, if you want to turn your game object around per second, you can use the code above and replace x with Math.PI * 2.


    You can make your game object become larger or smaller by scaling them.
    If you want your game object to become x times larger per second horizontally and y times larger per second vertically, you can use:

    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleScale(x, y));
    gameObject.addAnim(SimpleScale(x, y))
    gameObject.anims += SimpleScale(x, y) // alternative
    gameObject.addAnim(new SimpleScale(x, y))

    Collision detection

    Use the collides method to check if two game objects are collided:

    if (bullet.collides(player)) player.setDied(true);
    if (bullet.collides(player)) player.died = true
    if (bullet.collides(player)) player.setDied(true)

    You may do collision check in the onRefresh method.

    Customizing collision box

    FriceEngine detects collision by checking if the two objects' collision box are overlapped with each other.

    All collision boxes are just rectangles.

    Each game object has a collision box, they're by default themselves (say, the x, y location and the size (width, height) of the collision boxes are equaled to the game objects).
    Sometimes we want to change the collision boxes, either to make it another game object or to make it just smaller.

    To do this, we need to use the setCollisionBox method.

    gameObject1.collisionBox = gameObject2

    This will change gameObject1's collision box to gameObject2.
    Say, when gameObject2 collides with gameObject3, gameObject1.collides(gameObject3) will return true.

    If you don't want to create the gameObject2 -- you just want to use a fixed collision box (location and size never changes), create an object of FQuad.

    gameObject1.setCollisionBox(new FQuad(x, y, width, height));
    gameObject1.collisionBox = new FQuad(x, y, width, height)
    gameObject1.setCollisionBox(new FQuad(x, y, width, height))

    And of course, you can change the location or the size of a FQuad by invoking setX, setY, etc.

    Sometimes your requirement is even more simple -- you just want the collision box to be smaller.
    This is also very easy. You can create a collision box from another collision box, while the former one's location or size always keeps a stable offset.

    For example, you want this (metion the a b c d in the image. The code below uses same variable name corresponds to the ones in the image):

    Example offset

    And you can create such collision box by using this:

    gameObject.smallerBox(a, c, d, b);
    gameObject.smallerBox(a, c, d, b)
    gameObject.smallerBox(a, c, d, b)

    If a == c && b == d, you can use the two-argument one:

    gameObject.smallerBox(a, b);
    gameObject.smallerBox(a, b)
    gameObject.smallerBox(a, b)

    If a == c && a == b && b == d, you can use the one-argument one:


    So it's possible to do something like this:

    gameObject.collisionBox = gameObject.smallerBox(5)

    Higher Level Usage

    Complex resources

    Here's the instructions of using some complex resources.

    Particle resources


    Curve resources


    Frame animations

    To play a frame animation (which is totally different from other animations), you need FrameImageResource.

    FrameImageResource is based on other ImageResources.


    Using customDraw


    Customizing animations



    Color utils


    File utils


    Alert dialogs

    FriceEngine provides handy APIs for creating dialogs.

    All the dialog API has got an optional title argument, so plaease don't think there isn't one for it's not shown in the example code.

    Showing information

    dialogShow("information to show");
    dialogShow("information to show", "title");
    dialogShow("information to show")
    dialogShow("information to show", "title")
    dialogShow("information to show")
    dialogShow("information to show", "title")

    Just look at the code and you know how to use them.

    Getting user input

    You can also get user input, by asking them a yes-or-no question:

    boolean userOpinion = dialogConfirmYesNo("Do you like what you see?");
    val userOpinion = dialogConfirmYesNo("Do you like what you see?")
    val userOpinion = dialogConfirmYesNo("Do you like what you see?")

    Or a question that requires a more specific answer:

    String username = dialogInput("What's your name?");
    val username = dialogInput("What's your name?")
    val username = dialogInput("What's your name?")

    Playing music

    FriceEngine provides very simple API to play music stored in files.


    Supported audio format:

    You can replace the path string with a File object.

    You can also create an AudioPlayer object to better control the playing of the music (i.e. start the music later, or stop it while playing).

    AudioPlayer player = AudioManager.getPlayer("./1.mp3");
    // start playing
    // exit playing
    val player = getPlayer("./1.mp3")
    // start playing
    // exit playing
    val player = AudioManager.getPlayer("./1.mp3")
    // start playing
    // exit playing

    AudioPlayer extends Thread in Java, so other operations are also allowed.

    It's recommended to play short audio in a thread pool, like this.

    ThreadPoolExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(20, 60, 10,
        new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(20),
        new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());
    // execute
    val executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(20, 60, 10,
    // execute
    val executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(20, 60, 10,
        new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(20),
        new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy())
    // execute

    Alternatively, you can use the JavaFX media API wrapper, called MediaManager.

    MediaPlayer player = MediaManager.getMediaPlayer("./res/bgm.mp3");;
    val player = getMediaPlayer("./res/bgm.mp3")
    val player = MediaManager.getMediaPlayer("./res/bgm.mp3")

    MediaPlayer is provided by JavaFX, it has a lot of useful APIs.

    And of course, you can play them directly:



    FriceEngine provides a key-value based database, and there're two implementations.


    This is the recommended database implementation.

    Preference preference = new Preference("./");
    preference.insert("key", "value");
    preference.insert("key2", true);
    String value = (String) preference.query("key", "default value");
    boolean value2 = (boolean) preference.query("key", false);
    val preference = Preference("./")
    preference.insert("key", "value")
    preference.insert("key2", true)
    val value = preference.query("key", "default value") as String
    val value2 = preference.query("key", false) as Boolean
    val preference = new Preference("./")
    preference.insert("key", "value")
    preference.insert("key2", true)
    val value = preference.query("key", "default value").asInstanceOf[String]
    val value2 = preference.query("key", false).asInstanceOf[Boolean]

    The usage is very simple, and it's possible to operate an Int, String or a Boolean directly.

    If you hate casting, you can use the generic query -- queryT.
    It will recognize your expected type from the default value:

    String value = preference.queryT("key", "default value");
    boolean value2 = preference.queryT("key2", false);
    val value: String = preference.queryT("key", "default value")
    val value2: Boolean = preference.queryT("key", false)
    val value: String = preference.queryT("key", "default value")
    val value2: Boolean = preference.queryT("key", false)

    Preference is based on the Java Preference API.
    It stores value in a "properties" file.

    Additionally, you can use the list() method to get all the key-value pair as a list.


    It provides insert, query and queryT as well as Preference.

    XMLPreference preference = new XMLPreference("./save.xml");
    val preference = XMLPreference("./save.xml")
    val preference = new XMLPreference("./save.xml")

    XMLPreference is based on the Java XML API.
    It stores value in a "xml" file.

    Additionally, you can use the getFile() method to get the file that stores the data.

    Building FriceEngine

    You can build the FriceEngine yourself by the following command if JDK is installed:

    $ git clone
    $ cd FriceEngine/
    # You have JDK only
    $ chmod a+x ./gradlew
    $ ./gradlew fatJar
    $ ./gradlew sourcesJar
    # You have gradle executable in $PATH, you can build it with
    $ gradle fatJar
    $ gradle sourcesJar

    And you can find the build result under build/libs/.

    The library jar is engine-all-[version].jar, and the source jar is engine-src-[version].jar.

    GitHub Stuffs


    See GitHub releases.

    FriceEngine publishes its newest version here.


    See GitHub issues.

    When there's feature request/bug report/cleanup request, an issue will be opened here, and a milestone will be distributed to it.

    Sub projects

    Swing and JavaFX are both supported.

    GitHub stars GitHub top language Build Status Build status CircleCI CodeShip Friceengine Github All Releases Month Week License: AGPL v3 Awesome Kotlin Badge

    GitHub stars GitHub top language Friceengine dsl Build Status Build status CircleCI Codeship Status for icela/FriceEngine-DSL Github All Releases License: GPL v3

    GitHub stars GitHub top language Github All Releases License: GPL v3

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    GitHub stars GitHub top language License: GPL v3

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    GitHub stars Build Status Build status CircleCI Codeship Status for icela/FriceDesigner Github All Releases License: GPL v3


    See GitHub milestones.

    Since 1.7.0, FriceEngine will have a milestone corresponds to every version. Issues will be distributed a version to be solved.